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Avoid The Stress and Clean the Mess This Fall

Fall cleanup from winter ice and dirt on the sidewalk of a business

With summer in the rear view and autumn in the passenger seat, we’re all gearing up for a long trip to the next vacation season. Everyone knows what it’s like to arrive at a destination, gather their things, and realize that the car has a few too many empty bottles, used bags and discarded papers … Read more

Office Cleaning Tips for Cold and Flu Season

Office Cleaned and sanitized for Cold and Flu Season

One of the hardest things about working in an office is getting sick from sharing such close quarters with other people. Germs are everywhere, and they forge their paths into offices a number of ways. For instance, some people have children – kids are notorious germ harbingers – and those playground germs might end up … Read more

Tips for Cleaning Up After the Office Holiday Party

Tips for Cleaning Up After the Office Holiday Party

This is a follow-up to our most recent post, Last Minute Holiday Pre-Party Cleaning Tips for the Office. In case you missed it, we recommend you check it out. With that said, allow us to offer you these tips for managing the after-party cleanup process. Here’s what you’re going to need: Now that you’ve got … Read more

Tips for Floor Cleaning

Vacuum cleaning floor in office building

Floors are one of the biggest factors when it comes to creating a clean, credible-looking space for your office or other facility. This can be a hardship since new floors are expensive, and yet, depending on how much use they get and other factors, they don’t always look pristine for that long. That’s why we … Read more

You Think Your Sunday Cleaning Is Bad?

Dusting mop cleaning corporate office floor

As Philadelphia recovers from the visit of His Holiness, Pope Francis, we all face the dilemma anyone who’s ever thrown a big party knows all about: massive cleanup. To comfort those who are cleaning their streets, businesses or even homes in the aftermath of the biggest event Philadelphia has arranged in years, we thought we … Read more

The Basic Fall Cleaning Checklist for Your Store or Office

The Basic Fall Cleaning Checklist for Your Store or Office

Think “Spring Cleaning” is the only time that you should air out your space and get rid of the settling grime and clutter? Think again. Summertime means open windows, long vacations and quick exits at the end of the workday to enjoy the weather and the season’s festivities. With so much going on, it’s no … Read more

Benefits of Hiring a Professional Office Cleaning Company

Benefits of Hiring a Professional Office Cleaning Company

For companies, growth and increased traffic are both a blessing and a curse. Along with the increase in capital, there is also an increase in the amount of cleaning that must be done to keep up with the influx of bodies. As your employees will be working even harder than before, they will have even … Read more

The Importance of Commercial Move-In and Move-Out Clean Up

The Importance of Commercial Move-In and Move-Out Clean Up

When moving your business to a new location, there are countless things that you will need to do, many of which you can barely find the time to do. From notifying all of your clients about the move to getting the building inspected, it is likely that cleaning your old and new locations are not … Read more

How to Run an Office Cleanup Project

Office Cleanup Project for conference room corporate office space

Spring cleaning is a sham. You know why? Because no one has an epiphany every April and realizes that they could stand to do a little tidying up around the office. Trust us, everyone. We’re professionals who have been doing office cleaning and commercial cleaning in South Jersey/Philadelphia for almost 50 years. Cleaning should be on-going, regardless … Read more

5 Tips to Not Get Sick This Cold and Flu Seasons

5 Tips to Not Get Sick This Cold and Flu Seasons

There’s usually a cold, bug or flu going around. That’s especially true in schools, and even more so during the notorious cold and flu seasons. Schools are quite germy, for lack of a better phrase; kids are often very close to one another, and they frequently touch each other, exchanging germs in the process. Did … Read more