The Importance of Hiring Commercial Cleaning Services at the End of the Year

Woman cleaning computer monitors in office

As the year winds down, businesses everywhere are preparing for a fresh start. From closing out annual reports to setting goals for the year ahead, this is a time of reflection, renewal, and preparation. One essential step that’s often overlooked during this process is ensuring your workplace is clean, organized, and ready to hit the … Read more

Office Cleaning Tips for Cold and Flu Season

Flu Season

One of the hardest things about working in an office is getting sick from sharing such close quarters with other people. Germs are everywhere, and they forge their paths into offices a number of ways. For instance, some people have children – kids are notorious germ harbingers – and those playground germs might end up … Read more

Tips for Floor Cleaning

Floor Cleaning

Floors are one of the biggest factors when it comes to creating a clean, credible-looking space for your office or other facility. This can be a hardship since new floors are expensive, and yet, depending on how much use they get and other factors, they don’t always look pristine for that long. That’s why we … Read more

How to Run an Office Cleanup Project

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Spring cleaning is a sham. You know why? Because no one has an epiphany every April and realizes that they could stand to do a little tidying up around the office. Trust us, everyone. We’re professionals who have been doing office cleaning and commercial cleaning in South Jersey/Philadelphia for almost 50 years. Cleaning should be on-going, regardless … Read more

Tips on Creating a Healthier Office

Healthier Office post

When the temperatures drop, you will likely notice that many of your coworkers start showing signs of illness. As more begin coughing, you realize it is only a matter of time before the sickness reaches you. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to ward off any illness without needing to come to work in … Read more

How to Thoroughly Clean Your Keyboard

Clean Your Keyboard

If you work in an office, you likely spend many hours every day typing away. Hopefully, you wash your hands or regularly disinfect your workspace because a team of scientists conducted a study that found keyboards are up to five times dirtier than a toilet seat. During their testing of 33 devices, they found alarming … Read more