Office Cleaning Tips for Cold and Flu Season

Flu Season

One of the hardest things about working in an office is getting sick from sharing such close quarters with other people. Germs are everywhere, and they forge their paths into offices a number of ways. For instance, some people have children – kids are notorious germ harbingers – and those playground germs might end up … Read more

Tips for Floor Cleaning

Floor Cleaning

Floors are one of the biggest factors when it comes to creating a clean, credible-looking space for your office or other facility. This can be a hardship since new floors are expensive, and yet, depending on how much use they get and other factors, they don’t always look pristine for that long. That’s why we … Read more

You Think Your Sunday Cleaning Is Bad?

Sunday Cleaning

As Philadelphia recovers from the visit of His Holiness, Pope Francis, we all face the dilemma anyone who’s ever thrown a big party knows all about: massive cleanup. To comfort those who are cleaning their streets, businesses or even homes in the aftermath of the biggest event Philadelphia has arranged in years, we thought we … Read more